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Copper and Critical Minerals

Outstanding exploration potential in the world-class
North West Minerals Province


Mount Isa Minerals was formed by a capable team of explorers, looking for economic deposits of copper on the Western side of the Mount Isa fault.

The Mount Isa Project comprises eight granted Exploration Permits for Minerals (EPM 25913, EPM 26141, EPM 26920, EPM 27013, EPM 27960, EPM 27965, EPM 28311 and EPM 28312, covering a combined area of 110 sub-blocks (approximately 350km2) in the Mount Isa district of northwest Queensland.

The world class Mount Isa Copper deposit lies immediately adjacent to the East side of Mount Isa Fault. This is the same fault system that bounds the Mount Isa Minerals Project, however copper occurrences here are of a distinctly different character from the nearby epigenetic replacement style sediment hosted massive sulphide (SHMS) deposit. The Mount Isa Minerals project hosts many outcropping copper mineralisation occurrences which is suggestive of a large-scale migration of copper bearing fluids through the rock mass. The copper occurrences are in a range of host rock types, but most notably on pegmatite intrusive contacts and within vein stockworks in dolerite. These copper occurrences have two distinct chemical associations; the vein stockworks in dolerite have a strong tungsten-molybdenum association, and the pegmatite associated occurrences have a silver±gold and uranium association.

Work by Mount Isa Minerals to date demonstrates substantial copper mineralisation West of the Mount Isa Fault, along with a defined uranium JORC resource, beryllium, gallium and rubidium occurrence, and pegmatites plus high grade quartz. Mount Isa Minerals has redefined the area as a complex IOCG system. Previous exploration techniques and assumptions may have overlooked much of the potential of the area. The team is now ready to conduct extensive drilling and exploration campaigns looking to define the potential copper ore bodies and critical mineral deposits within the Western fold belt host rocks.


Including geophysical, geochemical and on ground exploration surveys. Very limited drilling to date.


Key tenements adjacent to Mount Isa orebodies. One of the globes greatest high-grade concentrations of copper, zinc, lead and silver.


Extensive geological & exploration database has provided Mount Isa Minerals with 13 walk up targets with drilling planned.


Highly experienced team, focused on exploration excellence through tight project management, coupled with the development and analysis of quality data.


Future plans may include investigating the commercial potential of the many critical minerals hosted withing our tements’ geology.


Highly experienced team, focused on exploration excellence through tight project managements, couple with the development and analysis of quality data.


Mining activity in Mount Isa dates back to the 1920s.  Mount Isa is located within the world’s greatest single minerals province – the North West Minerals Province.  Mining in the region has focused on a range of base and precious metals and other minerals including copper, gold, lead, silver, phosphate, zinc and uranium. Exploration and construction are also significant activities in Mount Isa.  The mining and minerals industry dominate Mount Isa’s economy representing around 55% of its output and 30% of its employment.

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